Composite Mudflap Replacements FRONT - All Models Posted on 3 Mar 09:12

Installation Guide:

The installation of the Front Mudflaps requires minimal mechanical knowledge and tools. It is important to follow these instructions.


  • Drill
  • Crimper if you chose the rivnut hardware
  • Socket Set/Spanner
  • Clip Screwdriver
  • Alan Key Set
  • Optional - Grinder/Sawzall and Paint/Cavity Wax


  1. Firstly note the holes in the mudflaps, these will line up with the bolt holes in the car already. You will need to drill out the existing holes to fit the rivnuts to. 
  2. Remove the bolts and clips that hold the factory mudflaps on and line up with the holes in the mudflaps. Also remove the plastic inner guard liner while you drill out the holes you will be using to mount the mudflaps with a 9mm drill. You also will need to remove the first lower guard bolt pictured below, however this does not need to be drilled out as there is a M6 threads already there. 
    NOTE: be careful that the bracket you are drilling into does not twist, drill slowly with light pressure. 

  3. OPTIONAL - You can cut back some of the Guard and Cabin metal behind the plastic guard liner to give more tyre clearance. The picture above is for a 2020 Onwards Isuzu D-Max/Mux or Mazda BT-50. Follow the red cut line or cut further, depending on how much room you need. Once cut ensure you protect the raw metal with paint and cavity wax.
  4. Install either the rivnuts or rubber insert
  5. The mudflaps are packaged flat but do have a small bracket that needs to be bent, this bend can be done by hand and there is no risk of breaking the HDPE mudflaps. Using a pair of plier can give you more leverage and a sharper bend line. 
  6. Once bends are completed the mudflaps are ready to bolt in. Refit the plastic guard liner first and cut where needed, then use the provided countersunk M6 bolts to bolt the panels in, screwing the fasteners in until the heads are flush with the material. Apply grease to all threads before fitting. The lower guard bolt tab can be fitted by pushing the inner of the mudflap back and holding it in position while fitting and tightening that screw. You can apply some heat to the plastic if it is hard to form around your guard cut.


If you have any issues please contact me and I am more than happy to assist.

All the best with your 4weeling. Stay safe.