Instructions - Steering Correction Plate (Suit Body Lift Over 1") Posted on 20 Jan 08:48
Installation Guide:
The installation of this SC Plate requires minimal mechanical knowledge and tools. It is important to follow these instructions, it is a tight fit so this is why the importance of loosely fitting bolts until all components have been put in place. All the original nuts and bolts are reused.
N.B: Do not play with the steering wheel as over spinning will while not connected will cause the breakage of the clock spring.
- 12mm Socket
- 10mm Spanner
- 12mm Spanner
- (Optional) Silicone sealant
- First things first, mark out on the steering shaft where the spline joint connects a straight line, this will assist with aligning the two later.
- From the engine bay undo the universal steering joint by undoing and removing the bolt from the clamp. (12mm spanner needed)
- Undo the rubber flexi joint that sits inside the cabin above your brake pedal where the steering column meets the firewall. (4 x nuts and bolts, 10mm and a 12mm spanner is needed)
- Make sure not to misplace the white plastic spacers and rubber joint.
- Using a 12mm socket undo the 2 bolts that hold the steering shaft plate against the firewall, this will allow the short shaft from the column to the engine bay to be slid out from the firewall.
- Remove the rubber gasket from the shaft bearing plate and this where the Steering Correction Plate is fitted. (The SC Plate is moulded to fit only one way)
- It is optional to use some silicone adhesive on the white face that faces the steering bearing plate for extra security against water leaking through if you have a tendency to hit extremely deep water.
- Start re-installing the short steering shaft through the firewall first and loosely bolt up the flexi joint. (This part is a tight fit)
- Loosely bolt to the firewall and line up the universal joint in the engine bay.
- Once everything has been loosely bolted up, it is time to tighten all the bolts and the fitment is done.
- If the steering is tight there is 2 bolt that saddle the steering shaft further up in the cabin near the key barrel, these can be loosened off to allow for the release of some of the pressure that may be in the flexy joint.
If you have any issues please contact me and I am more than happy to assist.
All the best with your 4weeling. Stay safe.
For the video install please click the link below: