Instructions - Cold Pipe Brace Posted on 23 Oct 09:38
Installation Guide:
The installation of this brace requires minimal mechanical knowledge and basic tools. It is important to follow these instructions.
- 10mm spanner/socket
- screwdriver
- hex key/alan key
- Packaged you will find the brace, a hose clamp and replacement m6 bolt.
- First thing to do is make sure your keys are in your pocket and not in the ignition.
- Remove the MAP sensor plug from the MAP sensor itself
- Undo the M6 bolt from the pipe bracket and remove the loom retainer that is clipped into the bracket.
- Now slide the Munji 4x4 Carbon Fiber Brace onto the pipe and you will find it hugs the pipe neat.
- Loosely fit the longer replacement m6 bolt in through the brace to hold it in place.
- Now open the hose clamp so it can be looped over the cold pipe and brace.
- You will see the ridge moulded into the brace for the hose clamp to sit as you tighten up the clamp.
- Finally tighten up the bolt and plug your MAP senor plug back in.
If you have any issues please contact me and I am more than happy to assist.
All the best with your 4wheeling. Stay safe.